Our modern, tech-dominant society has developed uncountable ways to override the natural systems the human species has developed over millennia to run the complex human body.
We’ve forgotten we have our own naturally evolved operating system.
I call it our NaturalOS. It’s coded into our DNA.
And it’s under silent attack — daily.
Resetting our NaturalOS is simple, but like many things, not always easy. Especially in a world designed to suppress it because unfettered humans aren’t inherently profitable.
The single, most powerful way of resetting your NaturalOS?
Reconnecting with Nature.
My intent with these articles is to offer you thought-provoking ideas and soul-searching questions about how your life and our lives together can bring us more happiness and fulfillment, while sustaining the health and viability of life on Earth.
Read what catches your interest, in any order.
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